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Office Rent At Uttara
Expense details:
Rent 15000
Wifi 2000
Electricity 7000
water bill & filter maintenance 1000
Service charge with parking 2000
Bua bill 6000 (cleaning & tea)
The total price inclusive of everything is 33000 BDT, If you think you will negotiate then it's a wrong step, but our goal is to maintain a global standard, and the cost is very specific.
Office time & service allowed up to time frame: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
(2 months' advance notice is required to cancel the agreement, which means you have to pay 2 months rent in advance)
It's a furnished office including a kitchen, AC, TV, Wifi, fan, table, 12 chairs and office pion. Suitable for meetings and home office space. We keep the entire office super clean and maintain global standards.
No branding is allowed by the building authorities. For details, you may WhatsApp +8801978569299
This is a hostel, owned by zooFamily. Here is the map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/iUTHER82ktdQ9gaDA?g_st=ic
Address: House 10, Sector 13, APT 5A, Shah Makhdum Ave, Uttara, 1230