"Metro Homes Dev. Ltd" is proud to become one of the trusted name in the real estate sector in the country. Since it’s inception in 1994 under the name "Garden View Consortium Ltd", the company has won the confidence and goodwill of its client's for their commitments and quality. Being one of the pioneers in the field of Real Estate Development in Bangladesh, the company has developed high quality residential and commercial complexes and in thirteen successful years she handed over a good number of projects.
Putting emphasis on earthquake resistant sound structure as per BNBC (Bangladesh National Building Code) and visual design "Metro Homes Dev Ltd"'s main focus has been on the quality of apartments. To carry forward the impression "Metro Homes Dev Ltd" is moving ahead with a cohesive team of architects, structural/ project management engineers and marketing professionals. "Metro Homes dev Ltd" is also an active member of Real Estate & Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB).
Real estate firm
Real Estate Development
Building and land Development
Builing Design