As part of the restructuring programme of the Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) under the Capital Market Development Programme (CMDP) initiated by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (GoB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), ICB Securities Trading Company Limited (ISTCL) as formed as a subsidiary company of Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) in the year 2000 to perform stock brokerage functions. The Company is being operated pursuant to its own Memorandum and Articles of Association, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC)'s rules and regulations and other applicable laws of the land. The Company emerged as a public sector stock brokerage company just after the introduction of Automated Trading System in the country. The Transaction Department of ICB was turned into ISTCL adopting electronic trading system and upgraded technologies in delivering services.
Margin A/C
Flexible Trading
Full Service CDBL
Online Trading & Portfolio Management:
SMS Notification:
Electronic Fund Transfer:
Share Analysis: