HR Engineering and Ship repairs Ltd. was eastablished in 2004, as proprietary concern and granted a certificate of incorporation as HR Engineering and Ship repairs Ltd. and has it's registered office at 1208/A Ananda Bazar Road, South Middle Halishahar, Bandar, Chittagong.
In 2005, HR Engineering and Ship repairs Ltd. have been assessed and approved by MMD (Mercantile Marine Department) with respect to the following scope: "Ship repair facilities".
HR Engineering and Ship repairs Ltd. initaly focused on meeting the gloth demand for repair and servicing company generated by the shipping and offshore industrial activitied in Bangladesh. Over the years the shipping industry at Bangladesh grew rapidly and HR Engineering and Ship repairs Ltd.
also grew to meet the additional demands as a company that was able to carry out all kinds of repair, installation, modification. We are specilized on electronics control and sytem repairs. By early 2006 HR Engineering and Ship repairs Ltd. become well eastablished in the area and built up a strong customer base which included many Bangladeshi and international shipping agentd, owners and operators.
all kinds of repair,
We are specilized on electronics control and sytem repairs