Eden Girls' College originated from a school for Brahmo girls established by Shubha Sadhini Sabha (a philanthropic society) in Dhaka in 1873. Initially, the classes of the school were conducted in a private house at Farashganj. In 1878, the school was merged with another private girls' school to form Dhaka Female School. The same year the school administration took the initiative to bring it under government management and proposed it be called Eden Girls' School after the Lieutenant Governor Sir Ashley Eden. Given its new status, it started functioning at a new location at Laxmibazar.
Arts Faculty
•Bangla Department
•English Department
•History Department
•Islamic History and Culture Department
•Islamic Studies Department
•Philosopy Department
•Sociology Department
•Econmics Department
•Political Science Department
•Social Work Department
Science Faculty
•Physics Department
•Chemistry Department
•Mathematics Department
•Botany Department
•Zoology Department
•Geography and Environment Department
•Psychology Department
•Home Economics Department
Commarce Faculty
•Accounting Department
•Management Department
•Marketing Department
•Finance and Banking Department