Eastern Refinery Limited, a subsidiary of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation was incorporated under Companies’ Act 1913(amended in 1994) as a Public Limited Company in 1963 with 35% EPIDC’s (East Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation) shares, 30% shares held by Burmah Oil Company (BOC) and the rest 35% by private entrepreneurs. From November, 1985, Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) became the 100% share holder of the company.
ERL plays a vital role in supplying around 40% of the country’s current petroleum products’ demand and thus maintains stability in the Petroleum Products’ market of the country. ERL sometimes becomes the only fall back system available, to avoid products crisis in case of disruption of products’ import.
RG (Refinery Gas)
LPG (Liqueified Petroleum Gas)
SBP (Special Boiling Point Solvent)
MOGAS (Regular)
MOGAS (Premium)
SKO (Superior Kerosene Oil)
MTT (Mineral Turpentine)
JBO (Jute Batching Oil)
HSD (High Speed Diesel)
LSDO (Low Sulfur Diesel Oil)
Etc Etc