Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur named after a legendary woman scholar Begum Rokeya who pioneered and promoted female education in Indo-Pak-Bangla subcontinent, is located in the city of Rangpur, in the north east zone of Bangladesh.
With its so-called connotations of impoverishment, deprivation and poverty, Rangpur is a culturally vibrant place – an excellent center of arts, culture and education. It prides itself on its rich heritage of numerous contributions and achievements of many scholars, poets, novelists, social and political thinkers and philanthropists. Here are a good number of age-old educational institutions and cultural organizations.
The construction of Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur is still continuing in its own campus on the outskirts of Rangpur in the south. Rangpur, a peaceful and tranquil town, is just a 6 hours’ drive from the bustling, crowded city of Dhaka. However, it has good transportation facilities – train, bus and airlines.
It is easily accessible because of its interconnecting transportation routes and linkages between all the districts of the country.
Faculty of Arts
Department of Bangla
Department of English
Department of History and Archeology
Faculty of Business Studies
Department of Accounting and Information System
Department of Finance and Banking
Department of Management Studies
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Faculty of Life and Earth Science
Department of Geography and Environmental Science
Department of Disaster Management
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Economics
Department of Sociology
Department of Political Science
Department of Women and Gender Studies
Department of Mass Communication and Journalism
Department of Public Administration
Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry
Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
Department of Statistics