Bangladesh Professional Skills Training Institute (BPSTI) is jointly initiative of Muktodhara Technology Limited & Dialme Limited under CSR Program which has been functioning since 2019 to develop Professional human resource in different fields of education and training.
BPSTI is one stop source platform for all kinds of professional skills training and experience professional trainer in your home. BPSTI is a digital platform that aims to provide hassle free & comprehensive skills training in Bangladesh. BPSTI want to change the traditional concept of Digital, Technical, Professional, Skills, Development, and Training in Bangladesh.
BPSTI Believes that takes a Hand opens a Mind and touches a Heart.
Today, BPSTI is not super famous institute but it does will be a great professional skills training institute in Bangladesh.
BPSTI wants to ensure knowledge, professional skills, attitude and meaningful human resource for Bangladesh through Competency Based Training & Assessment (CBTA) and focused on RPL, TVET, IT etc by using digital platform.
BPSTI wants to make a professional skills Trainers HUB for making digital Bangladesh and as well as want to create National Multi skills, Skills, Semi Skills and unskilled workers data based.
BPSTI wants to contribute for SDG’s and the society of the people, by the people and for the people.
BPSTI aims to make communication between trainee and trainers through using digital platform.
BPSTI also aims to ensure that no people will say “I know but I can’t perform’’ and rather they will say,
“I know and I can perform”.
1. Conduct Professional & Skills Training Course
2. Faciliate Professional Skills Workshop & Events
3. Provided National Professional Trainers HUB
4. Provided National Multi Skilled, Skilled, Semi Skilled, unskilled worker information
5. Proverty Reduction and Advocacy
6. Faciliate and Provided Network, Campaign, Awarness, Marketing of job placement for trainee,