Analyzen, a dream that started as a software development company in the University dormitories in 2008 by two young graduating students Sumit Saha and Ridwan Hafiz from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Computer Science & Engineering, has now turned into a successful Digital Agency, capable of full digital and creative support, catering to both local and international organizations. While Sumit Saha has been the Technology Expert of the Company since its inception to drive innovations and harness power of technology to solve real consumer problems, Ridwan Hafiz has always been the Creative Expert who envisioned the growing digital market of the country and wanted to explore this potential opportunity. The team benefitted from a Brand and Strategic Planning perspective, when Risalat Siddique-a seasoned Brand Professional with multi-country experience joined as a co-investor for the company in 2014. The company was converted into a limited company in early 2015.
Complete Sales Automation System, Online Magazine system, Social Community system, Live streaming video systems, Job board system, Auction system, Real Estate system, Clone systems like facebook, myspace, youtube, craiglist, twitter, Freelance system, Classified system, Music community systems, All business softwares like Sales Tracking Solution, ERP system, CRM system, HRM system, Payroll system, Travel agency systems, Flash intros etc.