Advance Homes is an successful real-estate Company established in Bangladesh in 2005 to pit itself in the fore of development activities in housing sector. Bangladesh being a developing country is running far behind compared to any developed countries of the world. But Bangladesh has a tremendous potential to improve by taking intensive and coordinated planning for growth of cities and townships to accommodate the growing demand by using their limited land, resources and technologies.
Advance Homes as a Developer has an organized team of highly experienced Architects, Engineers and other related professions in the field of Real Estate. They have already completed the ADVANCE GLORY at Bashundhara R/A, Baridhara . As one of the most important projects ADVANCE-RIDGE is a new prestigious structure under construction in Banani. Banani now a day is a city within the city of Dhaka and has become the best posh area of Dhaka to live.
ADVANCE-RIDGE is a committed endeavor comprising, of a modern apartment complex to fit in the demand. It is the outcome of a quest for perfection and excellence distinguished by individuality, quality, design and technology. Among the other upcoming projects, ADVANCE-SUNRISE in Uttara and ADVANCE-RAINBOW in Nadda Bazar, Biswa Road near Bashundhara residential area will be the most eye-catching projects of the City. Advance Homes Pvt Ltd is one of the prime and active members of REHAB (Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh.
Engineering & Construction
Project Management,
Building Design
Building Development
Housing & Real-Estate etc.