Garments Manufacturer in Bangladesh -

Dhaka Fareast LTD

Tk. 0

Flat: 3rd Floor, House: 206, Road: 02,Baridhara DOHS, - Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka
Clothing & Fashion / Clothing / Men

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In recent years the apparel manufacturing industries have gone through drastic change. The main influence for this amazing change is the modern technologies. In a garment factory, advanced technology plays a part to make the final delivery more perfect than before. In view of the faster and easier product delivery the advanced technology has great contribution. Moreover, the researchers show that the garment production increased almost 74% after entering the current technology trend. Here, this article is focused on the technology trend of 2021 in the garment manufacturer in Bangladesh.

Technology Trend in Garments Manufacturer Companies

·         Block chain: For maintaining transparency and clarity in the supply chain, the garments are using block chain.

·         Artificial intelligence: The algorithm of artificial intelligence is important for fashion and design in apparel manufacturing companies. Notably, AI is used to get a clear interest and style preferences of the target audiences.

·         Automation: IIn Bangladesh and many Asian clothing manufacturers use automation in making clothes to reduce human effort.

·         3D design: In pre-production, the garments clothing manufacturers are now using 3D design and rendering.

·         Gerber garment technology: Clothing related software and automation systems are raised with Gerber technology.

·         Wearable technology: Using wearable technologies has increased tremendously in current years. This impact has fallen on garment clothing manufacturers also.

Closing Thoughts

All things considered, it is clear that these trends will dominate in the textile industry in upcoming years. Generally speaking, the cut and sew garments tradition in Asian clothing manufacturers has changed a lot. The whole garment industry, even the clothing manufacturers for small businesses are going through this technological transition period.


Head Office:

Flat: 3rd Floor, House: 206, Road: 02,

Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh

Phone: +88-02-8416120





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