The sacred land of Hazrat Sah Makhdum, Rajshahi was known as the “Store House” of crops. From unknown time Rajshahi is famous for its business activities. Later which was noticed by Europeans and they came here for business and established their business house named as “Borokuthi” “Lalkuthi” etc. In 1947, after getting rid from the British rule the then businessmen tried to reunion themselves to improve their business activities. Continuation of it some dedicated famous businessmen like Mr. Gourishankar Poddar, Mr. Md. Esartula Mondal, Mr. Abdul Jalil Biswas, Mr. Abdul Jalil Mian, Mr. Nurul Islam (Lal Mian), Mr. Mozibur Rahman, Mr. Sayed Md. mohasen Ali, Mr. Babu Rampada Mukharji, Mr. Md. Esahak, Mr. Serajuddin Bhuian made a big leap to Establish the “Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce” on 1951 as a organization for businessmen and also registered it under the company act of 1913, and prepared the Memorandum of Articles and Association.
The sacred land of Hazrat Sah Makhdum, Rajshahi was known as the “Store House” of crops. From unknown time Rajshahi is famous for its business activities. Later which was noticed by Europeans and they came here for business and established their business house named as “Borokuthi” “Lalkuthi” etc.