Padma Oil Company Limited is not only the biggest but also the oldest with its antecedents stretching well back to the colonial period of British-India. Its ancestral enterprise “ Rangooon Oil Company “ established petroleum business in this part of the world by the middle of nineteenth century. Following is a Synopsis of Padma Oil Company’s historical
HSD, SKO, MS, HOBC, FO, JBO, LDO, Engine Oil, Automative Gear Oil, Industrial Oil, Hydrolic Oil, Spindle Oil, Padma Greases, Padma LPG, BITUMEN, OCTANE, MTT.
Agrochemicals: FURADAN, MIPCIN, Ripcord, Regent, Talstar, Novastar, Acrobat MZ, Opal, Mukta Plus, Hayconazole, Haymencozeb, Manage, Haysulf, Sulcox, Mag Plus, Padma Chelate, Foliarel, Defense, Glyfocel, Trigger etc.