Welcome to Khulna Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI). KCCI Established in 1959, the Khulna Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been serving the interests of the business communities of the Khulna region in accordance with its Constitution, comprising the Memorandum and Articles of Association with sincerity and diligence directly by means of its 32 Committees on different issues related various aspects of trade and commerce. Some of the specific activities of KCCI are shown below:
KCCI directly controls important aspects of Trade & Commerce such as through its Licensed Measurers’ Department (LMD), Certification, Attestation and Publicity Departments;
Acts as a bridge between the business-persons of Khulna district and their counterparts in other parts of Bangladesh in matters relating to trade, commerce, industry, agriculture etc.
The Khulna Chamber raises the Voices of the business community in aspects related to trade and commerce, and their needs in such sectors as banking, insurance, communications, transport and emphasizes their conveniences and inconveniences at different meetings, discussions, roundtables and seminars.
The KCCI represents the busines community of Khulna to the Government of Bangladesh for formulating or amending or voiding Rules, Regulations and Legislative measures of the Government that affect or influence trade, commerce and industry.
Promoting the potentials of Khulna for investment in various industries among foreign investors by conducting promotion campaigns abroad as well as in Khulna when foreign business delegations visit the district.
He KCCI enlightens the business community of Khulna in respect of the Government’s Rules and Regulations as well as prospects and potentials in import, export and establishment of industries in the region.
The Khulna Chamber plays an important role as a forum for exchanging views and opinions on trade and the economy among different Chamber members, Government agencies as well as local and foreign delegations.
Khulna Chamber of commerce and industry provides world class market oriented services for formulation of policies in respect of industry, investment, banking, insurance, import, export, fiscal measures and annual budget.
KCCI expresses views and opinions and comment on legislative measures affecting trade, commerce and industry.
KCCI collects and disseminate business information to members by means of electronic communication, circulars, Notifications, statistical data etc. for advancement of trade and industry.
KCCI undertakes studies, surveys and researches to identify favourable business related policies.
KCCI organizes seminars/workshops/symposia/training courses/trade fairs and trade delegations.
KCCI conducts advocacy and lobbying with the government for im,proving the business environment in Khulna.
KCCI prepares, evaluates and implements projects for entrepreneurship development and other trade related issues.
KCCI is developing its own web site through which it expects to more effectively publicize the potentials of Khulna as one of the most suitable investment sites in Bangladesh.
KCCI conducts advocacy and lobbying with the government for im,proving the business environment in Khulna.
KCCI prepares, evaluates and implements projects for entrepreneurship development and other trade related issues.
KCCI is developing its own web site through which it expects to more effectively publicize the potentials of Khulna as one of the most suitable investment sites in Bangladesh.