What is MY JobsA1?
It is your personalized career account. The benefit of creating a My jobsA1 account , you will have the option of logging into both your job agent and resume account with the same user name and password.
How can I have "MY jobsA1" account ?
You can create your my JobsA1 account by clicking at "Enlist You ". Or when you will create your job agent or post resume you will automatically become my jobsA1 account holder.
What is Job Agent?
A Job agent is an automated job seeker created by you that will regularly inform you about your desired jobs. When you have your own job agent,you will be informed about your preferred jobs through e-mail ; or you can also view the jobs by just logging to your agent account at the site.
How can I view my job agent result at the site?
You have to enter username and password at the My jobsA1 account at the "user login "
Do I need to create new jobsA1 account if I already have a job agent or a resume account?
o. In either case you are automatically a my jobsA1 account holder. However you can create seperate my jobsA1 account with different username and password.
Can I get information on jobs posted through e-mail?
Yes, you can. You have to create your own job agent for that.
Accounting/ACCA/Finance [7]
Airlines/Hotel Management [0]
Bank/Insurance/Leasing [5]
Commercial/Procurement [2]
Consultancy & Research [3]
Customer Support/Call Center [2]
Data Entry/Operator/BPO [1]
Education/Training [9]
Engineer/Architect [14]
Government Services [0]
Garments/Textile/Fashion [20]
Gen Management/Admin/HR [11]
Information Tech/Internet [4]
Lawyers/Legal Adviser [0]
Mass Media/AD/Creative [2]
Marketing & Sales [26]
NGO & Development [19]