GeneTech is a medical biotechnology company dedicated to promote use of modern molecular technologies in the field of clinical diagnosis. The major thirst of the company is to establish PCR, Real Time PCR and FISH as powerful, rapid, accurate and cost-effective diagnostic tools to the healthcare professionals in Bangladesh. These technologies can be applied for the diagnosis of infectious disease, cancer, genetic disease and population screening to assess risk of disease or to predict response to drugs. These technologies also have application in forensics, food testing, and environmental testing, including bio-warfare and bioterroism. GeneTech markets its products and services to clinical diagnostic, academic, agriculture, veterinary and forensic laboratories in Bangladesh.
Thermal Cycler
Real Time PCR Systems
Genetic Analyzer (Forensic & Paternity)
Gel Documentation Systems
Gel Electrophoresis and Power Supply
Automatic Karyotyping System
Cytogenetics and FISH System