Energypac Power Generation Ltd. (EPGL) was incorporated as private limited company on July 15, 1995 vides registration number C-28822 (103)/95 under the Companies Act 1994. Subsequently, the company was converted to a public limited company on December 27, 2011. Energypac has become one of the leading Power Engineering Companies in Bangladesh.
Currently, it is emerging as a first choice global supplier of electrical equipments. The company supports the business of its customers by providing them with complete solutions.
While creating better and environmentally compatible technologies, Energypac focuses on meeting customer’s demand with appropriate products and solutions as well as services.
The authorized capital of the company is BDT 5 billion and paid up capital as at June 30, 2014 is BDT 1,427.33 million. It is an ISO 9001: 2008 certified organization
Diesel Generator
Gas Generator
Commercial Vehicle
ANKAI Super Luxury Bus
ANKAI Luxury Bus
ANKAI Corporate Bus
ANKAI Tourist Bus
Agro MachineryAir Compressor
CNG Conversion
Boiler & Chiller