Anti Insect Pest Control was born in 26th September 2019 by MD. Eashin Arafat Rony at located in 518, Shenpara Parbata, Kafrul, Dhaka-1216. After 14 month 1st November 2020 Anti Insect sifted in 1305/1 East Sewrapara, Pakarmatha,Mirpur, Dhaka-1216. Before established Anti Insect Pest Control; it's owner Md. Eashi Arafat Rony involved in leading contemporary pest control companies since 2010 as CEO, Managing Director or Managing Partner role. Because of that he was the most impotent person in contemporary pest control services providing field. So from the beginning of the path of Anti Insect Pest Control it was so confidant and committed. Anti Insect Pest Control fully used it's owner's experience, skills and contacts. So that Anti Insect Pest Control get the top position of Pest Control Services provider field within 03 years.