BS PIONEER LIMITED has been doing business since 2005 as family business later incorporated by Bangladesh Register of Joint Stock as a private limited company. BSPL is now one of the leading home textile and handicraft manufacturer in Bangladesh with a sales office in London. We have earned excellent track record of supplying quality products and expanding rapidly.
Quality assurance is our first & most concerning matter in the production chain. We strictly maintain every single step of flow process from ethically collecting raw materials to finish product. Our clients are more than welcome for any pre-shipment inspection to ensure the quality of the products.
BS PIONEER LTD has adopted a unique business model allowing us to manufacture wide range of products on time and more efficiently. Besides our own highly compliance manufacturing unit, we collaborate with number of skilled local artisans for their craftsmanship.
Working together we bring a design into reality and help our artisan expand business world wide. Our company routinely search for talented craftsmen throughout the country, train them and provide necessary tools to start their own business. This unique business model helped us becoming one of the top ethically responsible business entity in Bangladesh.
Quick & efficient customer communication
Sample presentation at a very competitive price
Timely shipment and order tracking facilities
Pre Shipment Inspection (at buyer cost)
Country of Origin Certification
Documentation for customs & VAT purpose
Ready stock and delivery facilities for retailers
Warehouse facilities
Buyer level offer
Arrange factory visit (at buyer cost)
For FOB price, clients are welcome to use our own transport facilities, C & F agent, Shipping agent, etc.
Legal Advise