From the inception of Basumati Company in 1980's, the Group philosophy has revolved around its commitment to giving its clients an optimum level of service that incorporates a highly competitive rates structure married to an enviable service ethic. These two key factors combined with the Group’s unquestionable integrity, has enabled Basumati to consistently expand for over a quarter of a century.
Business is all about people and personal contract. We believe that with constantly evolving customer patterns and the ever changing global marketplace both politically and economically, employing highly qualified staff, with a cross section of commercial experience, is the only way to offer clients the level of service required to develop mutual business well beyond the Millennium.
Accordingly, this corporate overview will, we hope, give our visitors an insight into the Group’s philosophy and practices and enable us to develop this on-line contact by interfacing with your company. Presently Basumati has four subsidiary concerns in operation, functioning smoothly with the cohesion of modern world, Basumati Distribution Ltd, Tie Associates Ltd, Basumati Constructions & Basumati IT Solutions Ltd.
Construction Services
Bulding Desing
Bulding Development