Swimming Pool Chlorine 90% tcca QR Bd

QR Bangladesh Swimming Pool Store

Tk. 13500

ka-177, Kuril, Vatara, Dhaka 1229 - Kuril, Dhaka
Business & Industry / Raw Materials

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QR BANGLADESH SWIMMING POOL STORE Email: qrbsps@gmail.com Mobile: +8801743-750560 +88017-437-50555 +88018-578-88897 qrbangladeshswimmingpoolstore.com TCCA is available with a 90% chlorine concentration. Due to the high chlorine content, it is easy to handle for large pools. It reduces chlorine loss during the daytime. Trichloroisocyanuric acid is stable and does not strip like many other halogen compounds. It reduces algae growth. TCCA dissolves slowly in water, allowing for continuous, measured dosing of chlorine, especially when in tablet form. Treatment suitable for: Swimming Pool, Water Feature, Spa Pool, Fountain and reduce algae growth.

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