Golden Life, Dhaka. Is the oldest and most up to date treatment center for psychologically sick patients, for Alcoholic and drug addicts? Golden Life started to work with addict in the year 2004. Today is the year 2021; we are treating psychological sick patients and addicts. It has been 17 years so many addicts willingly or given by their parents has receive treatment. Following our rules and regulation so many drug addict physiologically sick patients have successfully entered there day to day regular working, happy and healthy life with new spirit. Most of the recovery contact us offer finishing their session and course with us from our organization. Obeying our rules and regulation when we release a patient we give offer care service that we called follow-up-service this is why our organization that is Golden Life patient rate of success is very high. We make different case history for every patient. We try to understand why a person becomes addicts by finding out why he first got introduce to drugs. We find the course and we stop it.
contact: 01716623665